Cage-free Care

Are you planning a business trip or vacation? Don’t leave your cats alone to fend for themselves. That’s not polite and it’s not safe. No one wants to drink toilet water.

Cats Inn on the Chagrin is a cage-free, boutique overnight boarding and/or daycare (we call it playcare) option for working or traveling cat owners. That’s right – no one is ever caged. We don’t even have any!

Cats Inn is offered by Pat Rullo,  host and producer of the nationally syndicated radio programs Eleven Cats Radio, Speak Up Talk Radio and Speak Up and Stay Alive heard locally on Cleveland, Ohio stations WHK, WHKW and WHKZ.

Located on the Chagrin River in Chardon, Ohio – this private home offers personal and expert care 24/7. We have 13 cats of our own and know how to ‘speak cat’. Your cats will have their own non-shared suite – a spacious home away from home with plenty of natural light, love and entertainment. The room is a massive 25 x 25 cat’s playground! They will not come in contact with other cats and will absolutely be secure and safe at all times. This is a calm, peaceful, friendly, and meticulously clean environment. SEE PICTURES

Because The Cats Inn on the Chagrin is a home environment location and because we go to extremes to help your cat feel protected and loved, we have room for only a very limited number of guests. This guarantees your pet will experience all of the personal attention he or she needs and deserves.

The boarding/daycare choice your cat would ask for – IF your cat could talk.

Cats Inn on the Chagrin

As the Eleven Cats Radio show touts – we put our cat glasses on and view the world from a cat’s perspective. So since we ‘speak cat’ around here, we surveyed our 13 guys and gals and asked them what cats would look for if they were making boarding or daycare decisions. We took their advice and offer the following stunning amenities.

STRIPE SAYS: “I’d be scared to death in a cage so I’d want  a completely kennel free and cage free space with plenty of nooks, crannies and cozy cat bed options in case I’d like to hide, relax and feel protected.”

Pat says – “I certainly wouldn’t want my guys and gals to spend time away from home in a cage or other confined quarters alongside a smelly litter box and food bowl. And no, calling it a cat condo doesn’t make it any better. However, if you feel your pet would prefer to be caged – please furnish the cage along with your cat. We have the perfect bright and sunny room with a view facing the back trees, to keep your friend occupied and engaged. And of course, we will spend the same quality time talking, singing and playing with your cat as we do with all of our guests.”

WHODINI SAYS: “I love to look outside so I would like to have window views, please.”

Pat says, “We feature six plus acres on the Chagrin river. All rooms are large and spacious and have multiple windows. Your cat may enjoy sightings of American bald eagles, flocks of wild, gobbling turkeys and quacking geese, deer, groundhogs, and of course 3 of our outdoor and previously feral cats as they run about the property. There is plenty of natural daylight and sunlight in every room – no fluorescent lighting either.”

S.J. SAYS: “I’m a sneaky kind of guy, always looking for an escape route.”

Pat says, “Your cat’s environment is 100% escape free and your friend will enjoy full access to the entire space day and night. After all, who would want to escape a clean, activity filled, non-smoking, fragrance free home? And there are never any dogs or other scary animal sounds or smells either.”

TINY SAYS: “I can sleep anywhere but if given a choice, I prefer that all bedding that comes in contact with my clean fur is 100% soft and clean.”

Pat says, ” We certainly do take great care to launder all bedding in steaming hot water and we use organic non-toxic detergent before each new guest arrives. Or for your cat’s comfort – feel free to bring your cat’s bed from home. Please launder or vacuum prior to your cat’s stay. And we can leave your pet carrier in the room in case your friend wants to bunk in it.”

LOLA SAYS: “When it comes to eating – I am picky. Nothing new enters this mouth and I, like most cats am sensitive to new foods. So I would want the exact same food that I’m accustomed to eating at home. No switcheroos for me.”

Pat agrees. She says, “Because cats are sensitive to diet changes, please bring the food your cat is used to eating – either in the closed cans or bags labeled with your name and your cat’s name.”

All of our guests are fed in stainless steel food and water dishes that are sanitized thoroughly after every meal. Water bowls are kept full and fresh.  We use spring water – never from the tap. Unfinished cat food is sealed and refrigerated.

TIPPY SAYS: “Don’t expect me to eat on someone else’s feeding schedule. I’d like to eat when I usually do at home.”

Pat Says, “Meals are served at the exact same times your cat is accustomed to eating at home. We do not force a feeding schedule.”

GRACIE SAYS: “I wouldn’t want to stay any place where I had to deal with a dirty litterbox. Plus – gross litterbox smell is one reason why I agree with Stripe and would insist on a cage-free environment. I wouldn’t want to be stuck in a cage with my litterbox near me. Yuk! Can you imagine – my parents are on vacation and I’m stuck with a nasty litterbox?”

Pat says, “We are litterbox fanatics. Litter boxes are cleaned and freshened within 30 minutes or less after each use. That’s right – There will never be pee or poop in your cat’s litterbox the next time he or she uses it. That’s how present and hands-on we are. That is our Cats Inn Litterbox Promise!”

SONNY SAYS: “I really don’t want to use another cat’s recyled litter box. I’m a clean little guy and sensitive too. How wonderful if I could have a brand new litter box just for me. Or is that asking for too much?”

Pat says, “Because I’m an infection prevention advocate when it comes to human patient safety, I carry that same germ conscious attitude into our cat care. So we do furnish a brand new – never been used litter box  just for your cat.  Again because cats are sensitive to change, and to avoid ‘accidents’ – please bring enough of your cat’s usual litter.”

MR. BOOTS SAYS: “I want to be in a place where I don’t have to be concerned about whether I’d make it back home safely. I guess I’m a worrier like that.”

Pat says, “YES! I take health, cleaning, and safety seriously and have strict procedures for sanitation and use only natural, non-chemical, non-toxic cleaning products that are safe for people and cats.

And – We live and work on site so your cat will never be left unattended.”

GIGI SAYS: “I could play with toys all day. So please offer many cat climbing trees, tunnels and clean toys. I don’t want some other cat’s spit on my toys. And how about some music? A girl might like to run around with feathers and Fleetwood Mac or bouncy balls and B.B. King. And could someone play WITH me? That would make me feel safe and happy.”

Pat says, “Please feel free to bring some of your cat’s favorite toys from home if you like. TV or background music to create a home-like atmosphere is available to cats who are accustomed to tv and music. Quiet rooms are available to cats who enjoy silence.

We love cats so much that it’s our privelege to offer private one-on-one playtime throughout the day and evening. Some places charge extra for playtime. Imagine that?

We offer stimulating cat trees, tunnels, toys and plenty of one-on-one human playtime if your cat is willing. If your cat is shy and reclusive, we understand how to respect that too. We know how to sit quietly, read a book out loud or sing a song to help comfort and soothe your friend. We believe that boarding doesn’t mean boring.

Brushing and kitty Reiki for cats willing to enjoy this special time is always available at no charge of course. Please bring your pet’s brush with you – cleaned and sanitized.”

JUMPER SAYS: “Cats pick up on human feelings and emotions so when you drop me off, please feel happy and confident. Then I will too!”

Pat says, “Your precious guy or gal will become ‘our’ precious guy or gal while you are gone. Enjoy your time away from home and know that your cat is safe and loved. Your cat’s vacation may just be better than your own!”

For more about Pat – please visit ABOUT

To talk with us personally please email

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